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Jay Spendlove

Email: jaycs24@byu.edu


Jay Spendlove is a graduate student doing his Master's in Physics. He graduated from BYU in April 2022 with his bachelors degree in Applied Physics, with an emphasis in computational physics. In his undergraduate, he did research in Dr. Gus Hart's research group studying grain boundaries. He joined Dr. Traci Neilsen's hydroacoustics research group and began working on his current research project, in conjunction with Dr. Mark Transtrum, upon starting his Masters.

From Valencia, CA, Jay has research interests in mathematical modeling and information geometry, machine learning, and cool physics problems! In his free time, Jay enjoys playing handball, going to the beach, playing guitar, and going on adventures with his wife, Mauri! After completing his Master's in August 2024, Jay plans to pursue a PhD somewhere else.


Jay's research is focused on applying information geometric methods to underwater sound propagation models. Specifically, the project focuses on using tools such as the model manifold, Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) and the Manifold Boundary Approximation Method (MBAM) for parameter identifiability analysis and model inversion. This helps answer the question, "Given ocean acoustic data, can I infer model parameters characterizing the seafloor?".