Jacob Nuttall Skip to main content

Jacob Nuttall

Email: jnutt1@byu.edu


Jacob Nuttall is an undergraduate student with a double major in physics and computer science with an emphasis in data science graduating August 2023. He joined Dr. Neilsen's computational ocean acoustics research group in August 2021 by recommendation of Dr. Mark Transtrum.

Jacob is from Sacramento, California, and is interested in topics at the intersection physics, mathematics, and computer science, including an interest in applying Bayesian statistics and uncertainty quantification to study data-driven models of real-world problems. After graduating from BYU, he will begin his PhD program at the University of Colorado Boulder doing computational materials science. When he is not working on research, Jacob enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing trombone, watching movies, and reading Brandon Sanderson novels.


Jacob's research is focused on applying Bayesian methods such as maximum entropy to inversion problems to study the parameterization of underwater sound propagation models for shallow water using noise measured from transiting ships.